No. 190 Things that Destroy the World 世界を滅ぼすモノ
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
Hold it, Okino.
Keitaro was talking about some horde of monsters…
I want a real explanation.
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
This place…
Tokisaka Shrine
×Tsukasa Okino
Tsukasa Okino:
I think it’s better to show you instead of trying to explain.
So if we go back to the 1940’s…
×Tsukasa Okino
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
So it’s true…
This shrine held a way to travel across time…
Tsukasa Okino:
You're coming, right?
×Tsukasa Okino
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
Of course.
Tsukasa Okino:
Then let's get going.
Kurabe’s Neighborhood | 1945
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
Everywhere here, it’s the same thing.
Tamao-san’s house should have been around here…
Not that you can tell, with it like this…
×Tsukasa Okino
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
It’s just like Keitaro said.
There's not a soul in the factory or the bunker.
Doesn’t look like there's anyone around here, either.
You’d think this place was hit by one of the air raids…
But there isn't even a single body.
No sign of any international aid or intervention…
Tsukasa Okino:
Because Japan wasn’t the only one hit.
If I had to guess…
This is the state of the entire world.
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
What… What are those?
×Tsukasa Okino
Tsukasa Okino:
…are the ones who destroyed the world.
△Destroyers→Tsukasa Okino
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
…That’s them, then? the ones you've been talking about?
Tsukasa Okino:
Yeah. They're all Deimos.
Destroyers of worlds.
×Tsukasa Okino
Tsukasa Okino:
Some of them are the size of the Sentinels.
And those aren't even the biggest.
What you're seeing is just a fraction of their forces.
A unit of hundreds has already passed through here…
×Tsukasa Okino
Tsukasa Okino:
And now, their mission’s complete. So here they stand.
△Deimos→Tsukasa Okino
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
Did these monsters… eat everyone?
Tsukasa Okino:
They don’t eat.
The people have all been captured. Thanks to a buried UFO… well, a saucer.
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
A sauser?
Tsukasa Okino:
That’s what the Deimos are after.
Their goal is to break through to that giant underground saucer.
Specifically, to get in contact with its tech.
That triggers the saucer’s shifter, which teleports civilians.
As to where they go… or why the Deimos do it… we don’t know.
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
So my mother… and Tamao-san…
These things tool them away?
×Tsukasa Okino
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
If the world was destroyed in the 1940s…
Then the land in 1985 should be…
Tsukasa Okino:
It’s hitting you too, huh.
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
Does that mean…
These are… parallel worlds?
Tsukasa Okino:
I'm impressed you even know the concept.
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
Used to borrow Keitaro’s science fiction novels.
Tsukasa Okino:
At the very least, there's one thing we know for sure.
This reality and the other aren't connected by causality.
×Tsukasa Okino
Takatoshi Hijiyama:
Nothing makes sense anymore…
If this is a nightmare, I want to wake up.
Just looking at this, it doesn’t feel real…
Tsukasa Okino:
Yeah… Maybe it doesn’t.